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Board of Directors

Meet The Team

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Hello! My name is Humars and this will be a short biography about myself.I first started coming back to Infinite Flight and joining the Infinite Flight Community back in Friday 10th of May 2019 after playing with Infinite Flight before without a lot of knowledge back then to not enjoy the game until from that point on in time. I've always enjoyed the community and the game. I got to learn new things, meet interesting people and even be where I am today!

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The Chief Flight Manager oversees route/PiRep operations. This position is available; if you wish to apply, please contact us below.

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The Chief Marketing Officer helps to create ideas that would benefit the VA. This position is available; if you wish to apply please contact us  below. 

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 I'm a huge fan of aviation, and I'm so excited about what's coming in the future. I first started playing Infinite Flight towards the end of 2018, and am now IFATC-certified. My job here at EVA Virtual involves making executive decisions with the board and ensuring that the quality of the VA is at a high standard. 

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The Chief Executive Officer assists the CEO and helps to ensure that VA operations are running smoothly. This position is available; if you wish to apply please contact us  below. 

Lower Managment

My name is Dylan, and I am one of the Flight Managers for EVC. I hope to help EVC strive to be the best virtual airline we can be. I enjoy flying on Infinite Flight and real life, and I love plane spotting at my home airports JFK and LGA.

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The Chief Flight Manager assists with route/PiRep operations. This position is available; if you wish to apply, please contact us below.

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The Marketing Officer will oversee our IFC and social media accounts. They ensure that our public appearance is polished. This position is available; if you wish to apply, please contact us  below. 

© EVA Virtual Corporation & its subsidiaries |

EVC is in no way affiliated, endorsed, sponsored by the real EVA Air & its subsidiaries all EVA logos are owned by EVA Corp.

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